Early in the morning I woke up.
And yes its dead early.
I woke up at 4.30a.m!
Cool huh?
Got ready for the big day today.
We're having Carnival Day at school!
Its for the refurnishing of our precious school hall.
We aim to reach one hundred thousand this particular day!
Well, after being there, I think its possible!
Every stall's profit, 90% is donated to the PIBG association.
PIBG stands for Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru.
Parents and Teachers Association in english.
The remaining 10% could be kept.
Sounds harsh but 10% is quite an amount already.
Reached school at 6 in the morning sharp.
School would be quiet and spooky normally at this time.
Not even a man with a shadow could be sighted.
But if you DO spot someone, it may be shadowless.
You know what I mean do you?
Quite an amount of people could be seen.
But compared to the peak hour at the carnival, its just pie.
Mostly were scouts preparing for their big show.
And me, the 1st PPS there. And a few others from other clubs or society.
Just as soon as a few more came, including our chairman Mr. Chua Heaw Eng.

Yup, thats him. The guy in the popcorn costume.
Don't he look awesome?
Well, of course there is me.
I'm much better.
See? I'm in the burger costume!
Told you guys I looked better.
We're setting up fire but its hard.
There's no professionals here.
After half an hour of hard work.
I finally started a fire, and everyone treated me as god!
Well, its just rookies luck I guess. Its the 1st time I started fire!
7.15am, time to go to the computer club.
We're operating a cyber cafe.
Its our very own cyber cafe in school!
So many people wished that this came true.
But eventually, its just for today.
Don't they just look happy?
The first row playing Red Alert 2.
The second and last is DotA.
And the fourth is playing Need For Speed 2.
And the third, undefined.
And we operators are most happy. The Cyber Cafe, CC in short is never empty!
My class is selling one of Malaysian's favourite, 'Ais Kacang'!
Its a delicacy of the Malays if I'm not wrong.
Well, unfortunately the machine broke down before noon.
I wonder who supplied this piece of junk!
But on other hand, the balloon bullseye!
Advertised by me!
Slogan, You Can't Win, But You Can try!
And my proffecy came true!
Nobody won away the Jogoya Coupon.
Yet so many people tried again and again.
So we made alot also.
When its nearly two it started raining.
Since most of the stalls are located outdoors, they are forced to close.
But luckily the burger stall is in the canteen so it doesn't matter.
Sadly it rained, or else the carnival could last till four I think.
The scouts earned the most we, me and my buddies concluded.
Their ghost house was full house and is making a long queue down the block.
Curse them! They blocked the ways of CC 2.
I think they'll make around 3-4 thousand or maybe more!
But their model is great, its worth it.
Its not that scary anyway.
But they did scare those girls out of their wits!
While packing up the stall.
My juniors squirted water at me!
With those empty containers!
Made me soaking wet, lucky hand phone isn't affected.
What I like to say to them is what Mr. Wong say to me most, "No big no small."
No hard feelings, just pure fun and fun!
Sheau En and Jen Yee were the most hardworking duo in the stall.
Worked restlessly.
I hope I have even a quarter of their hardworking-ness.
So I could do my long delayed homework.
How lazy am I?
Today was great fun and excite.
Hope we have Carnival Day yearly.
So more peoples would be benefited and happiness could be spread.
Even through sweats and blood.
And finally, tiredness made me broke down while reaching home.
Ah, the pain and tiredness, but it was worth it!
And now, just let me sleep.
Good night,
8:56 PM