Hello blog. Its been quite some time I've abandoned you.
Due to THE incident you've been abandoned till, now.
Solemnly sorry about my absenc
I am now here to update you with the latest news.
21st December 2010
The EPIC day to be the EPIC Party Animal.
Yeah I liked it.
Sombre Jubilation.
Makes me proud to be a librarian.
Aun Chian, you NEARLY made me cry, good try.
Took quite a few pictures with those pretty girls out there.
PS: Maybe the best since I don't have to work and pay less for it?
22nd December 2010
First day of my job.
I love my boss Miss Kert. Awesome chick/girl.
And also Mr. Chong my other boss. Funny guy and narcisist.
Conclusion, I love my job.
By the way, my name there was, "Xiao Liang Lao Shi." Means teacher.
PS: Lightweight, excellent working hour, low-stress.
24th December 2010
Christmas Eve.
All was fine.
Everything went BETTER than planned except for one little thing.
My old handphone schedule wrote, 12a.m. Wish Lao Po Merry Christmas and Practice Magic for her. WTH~ I don't have a wife now. Sobs~
25th December 2010
Christmas! 12.31pm now.
Decided the best present I can give to myself, a chance!
The ring shall once again symbolize my everything.
The ring shall once again symbolize my everything.
With love, with hope, with passion, with STYLE.
The One Ring.
Christmas to All~!
My world turned black and WHITE @
11:40 PM
11:40 PM